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St. Ambrose of Camaldoli
An Italian theologian and writer, b. at Portico, near Florence, 16 September,
1386; d. 21 October, 1439. His name was Ambrose Traversari. He entered the Order
of the Camaldoli when fourteen and became its General in 1431. He was a great
theologian and writer, and knew Greek as well as he did Latin. These gifts and
his familiarity with the affairs of the Church led Eugenius IV to send him to
the Council of Basle, where Ambrose strongly defended the primacy of the Roman
pontiff and adjured the council not to rend asunder Christ's seamless robe. He
was next sent by the Pope to the Emperor Sigismond to ask his aid for the
pontiff in his efforts to end this council, which for five years had been
trenching on the papal prerogatives. The Pope transferred the council from basle
to Ferrara, 18 September, 1437. In this council, and later, in that of Florence,
Ambrose by his efforts, and charity toward some poor Greek bishops, greatly
helped to bring about a union of the two Churches, the decree for which, 6 July,
1439, he was called on to draw up. He died soon after. His works are a treatise
on the Holy Eucharist, one on the Procession of the Holy Ghost, many lives of
saints, a history of his generalship of the Camaldolites. He also translated
from Greek into Latin a life of Chrysostom (Venice, 1533); the Spiritual Wisdom
of John Moschus; the Ladder of Paradise of St. John Climacus (Venice, 1531),
P.G., LXXXVIII. He also translated four books against the errors of the Greeks,
by Manuel Kalekas, Patriarch of Constantinople, a Dominican monk (Ingolstadt,
1608), P.G., CLII, col. 13-661, a work known only through Ambrose's translation.
He also translated many HomilieEine Homilie (von griech.„ὁμιλεῖν”, „vertraut miteinander reden”) ist eine Art von Predigt. Während eine Predigt die Großtaten Gottes preist (lat. „praedicare”, „preisen”) und Menschen für den Glauben begeistern will, hat die Homilie lehrhaften Charakter. s of St. John Chrysostom; the treatise of the
pseudo-Denis the Areopagite on the celestial hierarchy; St. Basil's treatise on
virginity; thirty nine discourses of St. Ephrem the Syrian, and many other works
of the Fathers and writers of the Greek Church. Dom Mabillon's Letters and
Orations of S. Ambrose of Camaldoli
was published at Florence, 1759. St.
Ambrose is honoured by the Church on 20 November.
HEFELE, Hist. of Councils (Edinburgh, 1871-96), XI, 313 sqq., 420, 463; MANSI, Coll. sacr. council. (Venice, 1788, 1792, 1798), XXIX, XXX, XXXI; EHRHARD in KRUMBACHER, Geschichte der byzantinischen Literatur, 2d ed. (Munich, 1897), 111-144.
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