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St. John of Beverley
Bishop of Hexham and afterwards of York; b. at Harpham, in the East Riding of
Yorkshire; d. at Beverley, 7 May, 721. In early life lie was under the care of
Archbishop Theodore, at Canterbury, who supervised his education, and is reputed
to have given him the name of John. He became a member of the Benedictine Order,
and for a time was an inmate of St. Hilda's monastery at Streaneshaleh (Whitby).
Afterwards he won renown as a preacher, displayed marked erudition in expounding
Scripture, and taught amongst other subjects. On 25 August, 687 was consecrated
Bishop of Hexham, a district with which he was not unfamiliar, as he had for a
period led a life of retreat at Erneshowe (Herneshou), on the opposite bank of
the Tyne. Here, too, he was afterwards wont to resort for seclusion, especially
during Lent, when the cares of his episcopal ministration permitted of his so
doing. John was present at the synod on the Nidd in 705, convened by Osred, King
Of Northumbria, to decide on Wilfrid's case. In the same year (703), on the
death of Bosa, John was translated to York after eighteen years of labour in the
See of Hexham, where he was succeeded by Wilfrid. Of his new activity little is
known beyond that he was diligent in visitation, considerate towards the poor,
and exceedingly attentive to the training of students whom he maintained under
his personal charge. His little company of pupils is said to have included: Bede,
whom he ordained; Berethume, afterwards Abbot of Beverley; Herebald, Abbot of
Tynemouth; and Wilfrid the Younger
, John's successor (718) in the See of York.
Having purchased a place called Inderawood, to which a later age has given the
name of Beverley, John established a monastery there and also handsomely endowed
the place, which became even in its founder's day an important ecclesiastical
centre. To this monastery of Beverley, after resigning the See of York to his
pupil Wilfrid, John retired and spent the remainder of his life with Abbot
Berethune, a one time favourite scholar. In 1037 he was canonized by Benedict IX;
His bones were translated by Ælfric, Archbishop of York, and placed in a costly
shrine. A second translation took place in 1197. The remains were discovered in
1664 and again brought to light in 1736. (See BEVERLEY MINSTER.)
Acta SS. Bolland., II, 165 sqq.; Sanct. Dunelm. et Beverlac., edited by SURTEES SOCIETY, P. 98; DUGDALE, Monasticon, II, 127; WILKINS, Concilia, III, 379; RAINE in Dict. Christ. Biog., s. v. Joannes Beverlacensis, JOCHAM in Kirchenlex., s. v. Johannes von Beverley; HUNT in Dict. Nat. Biog., s. v.; BIHLMEYFR in BUCHBERGER, Kirchliches Handlex., s. v. J. v. Beverley. The authenticity of the works ascribed to John of Beverley in BALE, Script. Illustr. Brit. Catal., is doubtful.
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