Hinweise zur Catholic Encyclopedia
St. Macarius
Bishop of Jerusalem (312-34). The date of Macarius's accession to the
episcopate is found in St. Jerome's version of Eusebius's Chronicle
(ann. Abr.
2330). His death must have been before the council at Tyre, in 335, at which his
successor, Maximus, was apparently one of the bishops present. Macarius was one
of the bishops to whom St. Alexander of Alexandria wrote warning them against
Arius (Epiph., Hær.
, LXIX, iv). The vigour of his opposition to the new heresy
is shown by the abusive manner in which Arius speaks of him in his letter to
Eusebius of Nicomedia (Theodoret, H. E.
, I, 4). He was present at the Council
of Nicæa, and two conjectures as to the part he played there are worth
mentioning. The first is that there was a passage of arms between him and his
metropolitan, Eusebius of Cæsarea, concerning the rights of their respective
sees. The seventh canon of the council - As custom and ancient tradition show
that the bishop of Ælia [Jerusalem] ought to be honoured, he shall have
precedence; without prejudice, however, to the dignity which belongs to the
- by its vagueness suggests that it was the result of a drawn battle.
The second conjecture is that Macharius, together with Eustathius of Antioch,
had a good deal to do with the drafting of the Creed finally adopted by the
Council of Nicæa. For the grounds of this conjecture (expressions in the Creed
recalling those of Jerusalem and Antioch) the reader may consult Hort, Two
, etc., 58 sqq.; Harnack, Dogmengesch.
, II (3rd edition), 231;
Kattenbusch, Das Apost. Symbol.
(See index in vol. II.)
From conjectures we may turn to fiction. In the History of the Council of
attributed to Gelasius of Cyzicus there are a number of imaginary
disputations between Fathers of the Council and philosophers in the pay of Arius.
In one of these disputes where Macarius is spokesman for the bishops he defends
the Descent into Hell. This, in view of the question whether the Descent into
Hell was found in the Jerusalem Creed, is interesting, especially as in other
respects Macarius's language is made conformable to that Creed (cf Hahn,
, 133). Macarius's name appears first among those of the bishops of
Palestine who subscribed to the Council of Nicæa; that of Eusebius comes fifth.
St. Athanasius, in his encyclical letter to the bishops of Egypt and Libya,
places the name of Macarius (who had been long dead at that time) among those of
bishops renowned for their orthodoxy. Sozomen (H. E., II, 20) narrates that
Macarius appointed Maximus, who afterwards succeeded him, Bishop of Lydia, and
that the appointment did not take effect because the poeple of Jerusalem refused
to part with Maximus. He also gives another version of the story, to the effect
that Macarius himself changed his mind, fearing that, if Maximus was out of the
way, an unorthodox bishop would be appointed to succeed him (Macarius).
Tillemont (Mém. Ecclés., VI, 741) discredits this story (1) because Macarius by
so acting would have contravened the seventh canon of Nicæa; (2) because Aetius,
who at the time of the council was Bishop of Lydda, was certainly alive in 331,
and very probably in 349. Of course, if Aetius outlived Macarius, the story
breaks down; but if he died shortly after 331, it seems plausible enough. The
fact that Macarius was then nearing his end would explain the reluctance,
whether on his part or that of his flock, to be deprived of Maximus. Tillemont's
first objection carries no weight. The seventh canon was too vague to secure
from an orthodox bishop like Macarius very strict views as to the metropolitan
rights of a Semi-Arian like Eusebius. St. Theophanes (d. 818) in his
makes Constantine, at the end of the Council of Nicæa, order
Macarius to search for the sites of the Resurrection and the Passion, and the
True Cross. It is likely enough that this is what happened, for excavations were
begun very soon after the council, and, it would seem under the superintendence
of Macarius. The huge mound and stonework with the temple of Venus on the top,
which in the time of Hadrian had been piled up over the Holy Sepulchre, were
demolished, and when the original surface of the ground appeared, forthwith,
contrary to all expectation, the hallowed monument of our Saviour's Resurrection
was discovered
(Euseb., Vit. Const., III, 28). On hearing the news Constantine
wrote to Macarius giving lavish orders for the erection of a church on the site
(Euseb., Ib., III, 30; Theodoret, H. E., I, 16). Later on, he wrote another
letter To Macarius and the rest of the Bishops of Palestine
ordering a church
to be built at Mambre, which also had been defiled by a pagan shrine. Eusebius,
though he gives the superscription as above, speaks of this letter as addressed
to me
, thinking, perhaps of his metropolitan dignity (Vit. Const., III, 51-53).
Churches were also built on the sites of the Nativity and Ascension.
(For the story of the finding of the True Cross see CROSS
Acta SS., 10 March; VENABLES in Dict. Christ. Biog., s. v.
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