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St. Odo
Archbishop of Canterbury, d. 2 June, 959 (not in 958; recent researches showing
that he was living on 17 May, 959). According to the nearly contemporary account
of him in the anonymous Life of St. Oswald' (op. cit. inf.) his father, a Dane,
did not strive to serve God, even endeavouring to hinder his son's constant
presence at the church. Later writers represent Odo's parents as pagans and the
boy himself becoming a Christian despite his father's anger. Odo was adopted by
Æthelhelm, a nobleman, who regarded him with paternal affection and educated him
for the service of God. After his ordination he accompanied Æthelhelm to Rome
and on the way cured him when he fell ill, by blessing a cup of wine and causing
him to drink therefrom. On his return, according to the same writer, he was made
bishop of a city in the province of Wilton, so that he has been described as the
Bishop of Wilton, he consecration being placed in 920. There is no evidence for
this date, and if he was consecrated by Archbishop Wulfhelm, as is stated, it
could not have been before 923. There is a further difficulty as to his diocese,
erroneously called Wilton. In 927 he was Bishop of Ramsbury, which being in
Wiltshire might loosely be described as the Diocese of Wilton. But Eadmer states
he was appointed Bishop of Sherborne, and there is an extant document (Cartm
Saxonm 666) which lends some support to his statement. If it be true, he must
have filled the See of Sherborne between Æthelbald and Sigehelm. As the latter
was bishop in 925 this only allows two years for a possible episcopate of Odo.
At the court of Athelstan (925-940) he was highly esteemed, and the king chose
him to accompany abroad his nephew Lewis, whom the Frankish nobles had recently
elected as their king. In 937 he accompanied Athelstan to the battle of
Brunanburh, where the incident occurred of his miraculous restoration, at a
critical moment, of the king's lost sword. The story, given by Eadmer, is not
mentioned by the earlier anonymous writer. When Archbishop Wulfhelm died in 942,
King Eadmund wished Odo to succeed, but he refused, because he was not a monk as
previous archbishops had been. Finally he accepted the election, but only after
he had obtained the Benedictine habit from the Abbey of Fleury. One of his first
acts as archbishop was to repair his cathedral at Canterbury, and it is recorded
that during the three years that the works were in progress, no storm of wind or
rain made itself felt within the precincts. The constitutions which he published
as archbishop (Mansi,
, XVIII; Migne, P.L., CXXXIII) relate to the
immunities of the church (cap. i), the respective duties of secular princes,
bishops, priests, clerics, monks (ii-vi), the prohibition of unlawful marriages,
the preservation of concord, the practice of fasting and almsdeeds, and the
payments of tithes (vii-x). A synodal letter to his sufragan bishops, and an
introduction to the life of St. Wilfred, written by him, have also been
preserved. Throughout the reign of Eadred (946-955) he supported St. Dunstan,
whom he consecrated as bishop of Worcester, prophetically hailing him as future
Archbishop of Canterbury. On the death of Eadred he crowned Eadwig as king.
Shortly after the archbishop insisted on Eadwig dissolving his incestuous
connection with Ælgifu and obtained her banishment. In 959 during the reign of
Eadgar, whom he had consecrated king, realizing the approach of death, he sent
for his nephew, St. Oswald, afterwards Bishop of York, but died before his
arrival. He was succeeded by the simoniacal Ælfsige who insulted his memory, and
whose speedy death was regarded by the people as the judgment of God. The next
archbishop, St. Dunstan, held St. Odo in special veneration, would never pass
his tomb without stopping to pray there, and first gave him the title of the
. The story which represents Odo as having in early manhood followed the
profession of arms is only found in later writers such as William of Malmesbury.
Even if it true that Odo served Edward the Elder under arms, there is no reason
to suppose, with the writer in the Dictionary of National Biography
, that he
did so after he became a cleric. God bore witness to his sanctity by miracles
during his life and after his death.
EADMER, Vita Sancti Odonis (the earliest extant life) in WHARTON, Anglia Sacra, II, 78-87, also in MABILLON, Acta SS. O.S.B., 1685, and in the Acta SS. of the BOLANDISTS, who attribute it to Osburne (July 11), but this is corrected in their Bibliotheca Hagiographica Latina (Brussels, 1901), where the ascription to Eadmer is accepted. Contemporary notices will be found in the Vita S. Oswaldi in Historians of the Church of York (Rolls Series, 1879-94); Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, Ann. 958, 981 (R. S. 1861); STUBBS, Memorial of St. Dunstan (R. S. 1874); GERVASE OF CANTERBURY, Historical Works (R. S., 1879-80); WILLIAM OF MALMESBURY, De Gestis Pontificum Anglorum (R. S., 1870); and De Gestis Regnum Anglorum (R. S., 1887-89); WHARTON, Anglia Sacra (London, 1691); CHALLONER, Britannia Sancta (London, 1754), 4 July; KEMBLE, Codex Diplomaticus oevi Saxonici (London, 1839-48); HARDY, Descriptive Catalogue (London, 1862-71); HOOK, Lives of the Archbishops of Canterbury (London, 1860-84); STANTON, Menology (London, 1892), 2 June; BIRCH, Cartularium Saxonicum (London, 1885-93); SEARLE, Anglo-Saxon Bishops, Kings, and Nobles (Cambridge, 1899); CAPGRAVE, Nova Legenda Angliæ, ed. HORSTMAN (Oxford, 1901).
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