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Pope Urban I
Reigned 222-30, date of birth unknown; died 23 May, 230. According to the
Liber Pontificalis,
Urban was a Roman and his father's name was Pontianus.
After the death of Callistus I (14 October, 222) Urban was elected Bishop of
Rome, of which Church he was the head for eight years, according to Eusebius
(Hist. eccl., VI, 23). The document called the Liberian catalogue of popes puts
the beginning of his pontificate in the year 223 and its close in the year 230.
The dissension produced in the Roman Church by Hippolytus (q.v.) continued to
exist during Urban's pontificate. Hippolytus and his adherents persisted in
schism; it was probably during the reign of Urban that Hippolytus wrote his
, in which he attacked Pope Callistus severely. Urban maintained
the same attitude towards the schismatical party and its leader that his
predecessor had adopted. The historical authorities say nothing of any other
factious troubles in the life of the Roman Church during this era. In 222
Alexander Severus became Roman emperor. He favoured a religious eclecticism and
also protected Christianity. His mother, Julia Mammaea, was a friend of the
Alexandrine teacher Origen, whom she summonded to Antioch. Hippolytus dedicated
his work on the Resurrection to her. The result of the favourable opinion of
Christianity held by the emperor and his mother was that Christians enjoyed
complete peace in essentials, although their legal status was not changed. The
historian Lampridius (Alex. Sever., c. xxii) says emphatically that Alexander
Severus made no trouble for the Christians: Christianos esse passus est.
Undoubtedly the Roman Church experienced the happy results of these kindly
intentions and was unmolested during this emperor's reign (222-235). The emperor
even protected Roman Christians in a legal dispute over the ownership of a piece
of land. When they wished to build a church on a piece of land in Rome which was
also claimed by tavern-keepers, the matter was brought before the imperial court,
and Severus decided in favour of the Christians, declaring it was better that
God should be worshipped on that spot (Lampridius, Alex. Sever.
, c. xlix).
Nothing is known concerning the personal labours of Pope Urban. The increase
in extent of various Roman Catacombs in the first half of the third century
proves that Christians grew largely in numbers during this period. The legendary
Acts of St. Cecilia connect the saint, as well as her husband and brother-in-law,
with Urban, who is said to have baptized her husband and her brother-in-law.
This narrative, however, is purely legendary, and has no historical value
whatever; the same is true of the Acts of the martyrdom of Urban himself, which
are of still later date than the legend of St. Cecilia. The statement of the
Liber Pontificalis
that Urban converted many by his sermons, rests on the Acts
of St. Cecilia. Another statement on the same authority, that Urban had ordered
the making of silver liturgical vessels, is only an invention of the later
editor of the biography early in the sixth century, who arbitrarily attributed
to Urban the making of certain vessels, including the patens for twenty-five
titular churches of his own time. The particulars of the death of Urban are
unknown, but, judging from the peace of his era, he must have died a natural
death. The Liber Pontificalis
states that he became a confessor in the reign
of Diocletian; the date added is without authority. His name does not appear in
the Depositio Episcopoirum
of the fourth century in the Kalendarium
Two different statements are made in the early authorities as to the grave of
Urban, of which, however, only one refers to the pope of this name. In the Acts
of St. Cecilia and the Liber Pontificalis
it is said that Pope Urban was
buried in the Catacomb of Praetextatus on the Via Appia. The Itineraries of the
seventh century to the graves of the Roman martyrs all mention the grave of an
Urban in connexion with the graves of several martyrs who are buried in the
Catacomb of Praetextatus. One of the Itineraries gives this Urban the title
Bishop and Confessor.
Consequently, from the fourth century, all Roman
tradition has venerated the pope of this name in the Urban of the Catacomb of
Praetextatus. In excavating a double chamber of the Catacomb of St. Callistus,
De Rossi found, however, a fragment of the lid of a sarcophagus that bore the
inscription OUPBANOCE [piskopos]. He also proved that in the list of martyrs and
confessors buried in the Catacomb of St. Callistus, drawn up by Sixtus III
(432-40), the name of an Urban is to be found. The great archaeologist De Rossi
therefore came to the conclusion that the Urban buried in St. Callistus was the
pope, while the saint of the same name buried in St. Praetextatus was the bishop
of another see who died at Rome and was buried in this catacomb. Most historians
agree with this opinion, which, however, chiefly founded on the Acts of St.
Cecilia. The lettering of the above-mentioned epitaph of an Urban in St.
Callistus indicates a later period, as a comparison with the lettering of the
papal epitaphs in the papal crypt proves. In the list prepared by Sixtus III and
mentioned above, Urban is not given in the succession of popes, but appears
among the foreign bishops who died at Rome and were buried in St. Callistus.
Thus it seems necessary to accept the testimony that Pope Urban was buried in
the Catacomb of Praetextatus, while the Urban lying in St. Callistus is a bishop
of a later date from some other city. This view best reconciles the statements
of the Martyrologium Hieronymianum
. Under date of 25 May (VIII kal. Jun.) is
to be found the notice: Via nomentana miliario VIII natale Urbani episcopi in
cimiterio Praetextati
(Martyr. Hieronym.
, ed. De Rossi-Duchesne, 66). The
catacomb on the Via Nomentana, however, is that which contains the grave of Pope
Alexander, while the Catacomb of Praetextatus is on the Via Appia. Duchesne has
proved (Lib. Pontif., I, xlvi-xlvii) that in the list of graves of the popes
from which this notice is taken a line dropped out, and that it originally
stated that the grave of Pope Alexander was on the Via Nomentana, and the grave
of Pope Urban on the Via Appia in the Catacomb of Praetextatus. Consequently 25
May is the day of the burial of Urban in this catacomb. As the same martyrology
contains under the date of 19 May (XIV kal. Jun.) a long list of martyrs headed
by the two Roman martyrs Calocerus and Partenius, who are buried in the Catacomb
of St. Callistus, and including an Urban, this Urban is apparently the foreign
bishop of that name who lies buried in the same catacomb.
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