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Pope Bl. Urban II
(Otho, Otto or Odo of Lagery), 1088-1099, born of a knightly family, at
Châtillon-sur-Marne in the province of Champagne, about 1042; died 29 July, 1099.
Under St. Bruno (afterwards founder of the Carthusians) Otho studied at Reims,
where he later became canon and archdeacon. About 1070 he retired to Cluny and
was professed there under the great abbot St. Hugh. After holding the office of
prior he was sent by St. Hugh to Rome as one of the monks asked for by Gregory
VII, and he was of great assistance to Gregory in the difficult task of
reforming the Church. In 1078 he became Cardinal Bishop of Ostia and Gregory's
chief adviser and helper. During the years 1082 to 1085 he was legate in France
and Germany. While returning to Rome in 1083 he was made prisoner by the Emperor
Henry IV, but was soon liberated. Whilst in Saxony (1084-5) he filled many of
the vacant sees with men faithful to Gregory and deposed those whom the pope had
condemned. He held a great synod at Quedlinburg in Saxony in which the antipope
Guibert of Ravenna and his adherents were anathematized by name. Victor III had
already been elected when Otho returned to Rome in 1085. Otho appears to have
opposed Victor at first, not through any animosity or want of good will, but
because he judged it better, at so critical a time, that Victor should resign
the honour he was unwilling to retain. After Victor's death a summons was sent
to as many bishops of the Gregorian party as possible to attend a meeting at
Terracina. It was made known at this meeting that Otho had been suggested by
Gregory and Victor as their successor. Accordingly, on 12 March, 1088, he was
unanimously elected, taking the title of Urban II. His first act was to proclaim
his election to the world, and to exhort the princes and bishops who had been
loyal to Gregory to continue in their allegiance: he declared his intention of
following the policy and example of his great predecessor - all that he
rejected, I reject, what he condemned I condemn, what he loved I embrace, what
he considered as Catholic, I confirm and approve
It was a difficult task which confronted the new pope. To enter Rome was impossible. The Normans, on whom together with Matilda he could alone rely, were engaged in civil war. Roger and Bohemund had to be reconciled before anything could be done, and to effect this the pope set out for Sicily. He met Roger at Troina, but history is silent as to what took place between them. The year following, however, saw peace between the two princes, and Urban's first entry into Rome in November, 1088, is said by some to have been made possible by Norman troops. His plight in Rome was truly pitiable; the whole city practically was in the hands of the antipope, and Urban had to take refuge on the Island of St. Bartholomew, the approach being guarded by Pierleone, who had turned the theatre of Marcellus on the left bank of the river into a fortress. Nor was the outlook in Germany calculated to hold out hopes of the triumph of the papal party; its stoutest adherents in the episcopate had died, and Henry was steadily gaining ground. From amidst the poverty and want of his wretched island, Urban launched sentence of excommunication against emperor and antipope alike. Guibert retorted by holding a synod in St. Peter's before which he cited Urban to appear. The troops of pope and antipope met in a desperate encounter which lasted three days; Guibert was driven from the city, and Urban entered St. Peter's in triumph. He was now determined to unite his partisans in Italy and Germany. The Countess Matilda had lost her first husband, Godfrey of Lorraine. She was now well advanced in years, but this did not prevent her marriage with Count Welf of Bavaria, a youth of eighteen, whose father, Duke of Welf IV of Bavaria, was in arms against Henry. Urban now turned his steps southwards again. In the autumn of 1089 seventy bishops met him in synod at Melfi, where decrees against simony and clerical marriage were promulgated. In December he turned back to Rome, but not before he had effected a lasting peace between Roger and Bohemund, and had received their full allegiance. The fickle Romans had again renounced him on the news of Henry's success against Matilda in north Italy, and had summond Guibert back to the city. The latter celebrated Christmas in St. Peter's whilst Urban anathematized him from without the walls.
For three years Urban was compelled to wander an exile about southern Italy.
He spent the time holding councils and improving the character of ecclesiastical
discipline. Meanwhile Henry at last suffered a check from Matilda's forces at
Canossa, the same fortress which had witnessed his humiliation before Gregory.
His son Conrad, appalled, it is said, at his father's depravity, and refusing to
become his partner in sin, fled to the faction of Matilda and Welf. The Lombard
League - Milan, Lodi, Piacenza, and Cremona - welcomed him and he was crowned
king in Milan, the centre of the imperial power in Italy. The way was now clear
for Urban's entry into Rome, but still the partisans of Guibert held the strong
places of the city. This time the pope took up his residence in the fortress of
the Frangipani, a family which had remained faithful to him and which was
entrenched under the Palatine near the Church of Sta. Maria Nuova. His condition
was piteous, for he had to depend on charity and was already deeply in debt. A
French abbot, Gregory of Vendôme, hearing of Urban's plight, hurried to Rome
that he might become a sharer of his sufferings and labour and relieve his
. In return for this he was created Cardinal Deacon of Sta. Prisca. Shortly
before Easter, 1094, the governor of the Lateran palace offered to surrender it
to Urban on payment of a large sum of money. This money Gregory of Vendôme
supplied by selling certain possessions of his monastery; Urban entered the
Lateran in time for the Paschal solemnity, and sat for the first time on the
papal throne just six years after his election at Terracina.
But it was no time for tarrying long in Rome. Henry's cause was steadily
growing weaker, and Urban hurried north to hold a council at Piacenza in the
interests of peace and reform. The unfortunate Praxedis, Henry's second wife,
had suffered wrongs which were now the common property of Christendom. Her cause
was heard, Henry not even attempting to defend himself. She was publicly
declared innocent and absolved from any censure. Then the case of Philip of
France, who had repudiated his wife Bertha and espoused Bertrada, the wife of
Fulk of Anjou, was dealt with. Several bishops had recognized the union, but
Archbishop Hugh of Lyons had had the courage to excommunicate Philip for
adultery. Both king and archbishop were summoned to the council, and both failed
to appear. Philip was granted a further respite, but Hugh was suspended from his
office. At this council Urban was able to broach the subject of the Crusades.
The Eastern Emperor, Alexius I, had sent an embassy to the pope asking for help
against the Seljuk Turks who were a serious menace to the Empire of
Constantinople. Urban succeeded in inducing many of those present to promist to
help Alexius, but no definite step was taken by Urban till a few months later,
when he summoned the most famous of his councils, that at Clermont in Auvergne.
The council met in November, 1095; thirteen archbishops, two hundred and
twenty-five bishops, and over ninety abbots answered the pope's summons. The
synod met in the Church of Notre-Dame du Port and began by reiterating the
Gregorian Decrees against simony, investiture, and clerical marriage. The
sentence, which for some months had been threatening Philip of France, was now
launched against him, and he was excommunicated for adultery. Then the burning
question of the East was discussed. Urban's reception in France had been most
enthusiastic, and enthusiasm for the Crusade had spread as the pope journeyed on
from Italy. Thousands of nobles and knights had met together for the council. It
was decided that an army of horse and foot should march to rescue Jerusalem and
the Churches of Asia from the Saracens. A plenary indulgence was granted to all
who should undertake the journey pro sola devotione, and further to help the
movement, the Truce of God was extended, and the property of those who had taken
the cross was to be looked upon as sacred. Those who were unfitted for the
expedition were forbidden to undertake it, and the faithful were exhorted to
take the advice of their bishops and priests before starting. Coming forth from
the church the pope addressed the immense multitude. He used his wonderful gifts
of eloquence to the utmost, depicting the captivity of the Sacred City where
Christ had suffered and died - Let them turn their weapons dripping with the
blood of their brothers against the enemy of the Christian Faith. Let them -
oppressors of orphans and widows, murderers and violaters of churches, robbers
of the property of others, vultures drawn by the scent of battle - let them
hasten, if they love their souls, under their captain Christ to the rescue of
When the pope ceased to speak a mighty shout of Deus lo volt rose from
the throng. His most sanguine hopes had not anticipated such enthusiasm as now
prevailed. He was urged repeatedly to lead the Crusade in person, but he
appointed Ademar, Bishop of Le Puy, in his stead, and leaving Clermont travelled
from city to city in France preaching the Crusade. Letters were sent to bishops
who had been unable to attend the council, and preachers were sent all over
Europe to arouse enthusiasm. In every possible way Urban encouraged people to
take the cross, and he did not easily dispense from their obligations those who
had once bound themselves to undertake the expedition.
In March, 1096, the pope held a synod at Tours and confirmed the
excommunication of the French king, which certain members of the French
episcopate had endeavoured to remove. In July, 1096, the king, having dismissed
Bertrada, was absolved by Urban in a synod held at Nîmes, but having relapsed,
he was again excommunicated by the pope's legate in 1097. Some of the greater
prelates of France had now to be brought to subjection to the pope, amongst them
being the Archbishop of Vienne, who had refused to abide by the papal decision
regarding the jurisdiction of the Bishop of Grenoble, and the Archbishop of Sens,
who had declined to recognize the Archbishop of Lyons as papal legate. After a
triumphal progress through France, Urban returned to Italy. On his way to Rome
he met the crusading princes at Lucca, and bestowed the banner of St. Peter upon
Hugh of Vermandois. It is said by some that this crusading host enabled Urban to
enter Rome, which at this time was again held by the antipope. If this was so,
the entry appears, according to the statement of an eyewitness to have been
effected without fighting. No doubt the presence of well-disciplined troops,
under the most distinguished knights of Christendom, struck terror into the wild
partisans of Guibert. But Urban's final triumph over the imbecile
was now
assured. Northern and central Italy were in the power of Matilda and Conrad, and
Henry was at last forced to leave Italy. A council was held in the Lateran in
1097, and before the end of the year Urban was able to go south again to solicit
help from the Normans to enable him to regain the Castle of S. Angelo. The
castle capitulated in August, 1098. He was now enabled to enjoy a brief period
of repose after a life of incessant activity and fierce strife, which had
brought exile and want. His friendship with the Normans was strengthened by the
appointment of Count Roger as papal legate in Sicily, where the Church had been
almost swept away by the Saracens; the antipope was within his Archbishopric of
Ravenna, and Henry's power, though strengthened by Count Welf, who had forsaken
Matilda, was not strong enough to be any longer a serious menace.
In October, 1098, the pope held a council at Bari with the intention of reconciling the Greeks and Latins on the question of the filioque; one hundred and eighty bishops attended, amongst whom was St. Anselm of Canterbury, who had fled to Urban to lay before him his complaints against the Red King. The close of November saw the pope again in Rome; it was his final return to the city. Here he held his last council in April, 1099. Once more he raised his eloquent voice on behalf of the Crusades, and many responded to his call. On 15 July, 1099, Jerusalem fell before the attack of the crusaders, but Urban did not live to hear the news. He died in the house of Pierleone which had so often given him shelter. His remains could not be buried in the Lateran because of Guibert's followers who were still in the city, but were conveyed to the crypt of St. Peter's where they were interred close to the tomb of Adrian I. Guibert of Nogent asserts that miracles were wrought at the tomb of Urban, who appears as a saint in many of the Martyrologies. Thus there seems to have been a cult of Urban II from the time of his death, though the feast (29 July) has never been extended to the Universal Church. Amongst the figures painted in the apse of the oratory built by Calixtus II in the Lateran Palace is that of Urban II with the words sanctus Urbanus secundus beneath it. The head is crowned by a square nimbus, and the pope is represented at the feet of Our Lady. The formal act of beatification did not take place till the pontificate of Leo XIII. The cause was introduced by Mgr Langenieux, Archbishop of Reims, in 1878, and after it had gone through the various stages the decision was given by Leo XIII on 14 July, 1881.
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