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Venantius Honorius Clementianus Fortunatus
A Christian poet of the sixth century, b. between 530 and 540 in Upper Italy, between Ceneda and Treviso.
He received his literary education at Ravenna. Here he first manifested his poetical ability by a poem celebrating the dedication of a church to St. Andrew by the bishop, Vitalis. He appears to have left Ravenna in 565, crossing the Alps and a part of Southern Germany and reaching in the autumn the banks of the Moselle. The stages of his journey may be traced in his poems. They were: Mainz, where he celebrated the construction of the baptistery and church of St. George (II, 11 and 12), and in which he compliments the bishop, Sidonius (IX, 9); Cologne, where he accepted the hospitality of Bishop Carentinus (III, 14); Trier, where he praises Bishop Nicetius (III, 11) who had built a castle on the Moselle (III, 12); Metz, which he describes (III, 13). He then made a journey on the Moselle, of which he gives a humorous account (IV, 8). But the principal event of his sojourn at Metz was his presentation at the court of King Sigebert, where he arrived at the time of the king's marriage with Brunehild (566), for which occasion he wrote and epithalamium (VI, 1). Shortly afterwards Brunehild renounced Arianism for Catholicism and Fortunatus extolled this conversion (VI, 1a). He won the favour of the courtiers by his eulogies, notably that of Gogo and Duke Lupus, the latter one of the most remarkable men of the time, a real survival, amid barbarian surroundings, of Roman culture and traditions. Fortunatus soon resumed his journey. New poems repaid the hospitality of the Bishops of Verdun (II, 23) and Reims (III, 15); at Soissons he venerated the tomb of St. Medardus (II, 16), and finally arrived at Paris, where he praised the clergy for their zeal in reciting the Divine Office (II, 9). His description of the chanting of the Office on the eve of a feast accompanied by an orchestra is a curious document. He made the acquaintance of King Caribert, whom he compares to Solomon, Trajan, and Fabius, and whose Latin eloquence he praises highly (VI, 2). From Paris he went to Tours, which was probably his original destination, for while at Ravenna he had been miraculously cured of a disease of the eyes through the intercession of St. Martin. He worshipped at the tomb of the saint and gave thanks to the bishop, Euphronius (III, 3), whom he afterwards came to know more intimately.
From Tours Fortunatus went to Poitiers, attracted, no doubt, by the renown of
St. Radegunde and her monastery. This circumstance had a decisive influence on
the remainder of his life. Radegunde, daughter of the King of Thuringia, had
been taken prisoner by Clotaire I, the son of Clovis, after the defeat of her
uncle, Hermanfried, and the conquest of her country (531). Hermanfried had slain
her father. She became, against her will the wife of Clotaire. Her brother
having been put to death by the Franks, she sought refuge with St. Medardus,
Bishop of Vermandois (St-Quentin and Soissons), who caused her to take the veil,
and she remained at Poitiers. The monastery of Poitiers was very large and
contained about 200 religious. At first they lived without a definite rule, but
about 567 Radegunde accepted that of St. Cæsarius of Arles. At this time, which
was previous to the death of Caribert (568), she caused the consecration as
abbess of her beloved adoptive daughter Agnes. It was at the same period that
Fortunatus became the friend of the two women and took up his residence at
Poitiers, where he remained till the death of Radegunde, 13 Aug., 587, Agnes,
doubtless, having died shortly before. The closest friendship sprang up between
them, Fortunatus calling Radegunde his mother and Agnes his sister. It was one
of those tender and chaste friendships between ecclesiastics and pious women;
similar, for example, to the relations between St. Jerome and the Roman ladies,
delicate friendships enhanced by solid piety, confirmed in peace by a mutual
love of God, and which do not exclude the charming child's play usually making
feminine friendship. In this instance it brought about a constant interchange of
letter in which the art and grace of Fortunatus found their natural vent. He was
an epicure, and there were sent to him from the convent, milk, eggs, dainty
dishes, and savoury meats in the artistic arrangement of which the cooks of
antiquity exercised their ingenuity. He did not allow himself to be outdone and
sent to his friends at one time flowers, at another chestnuts in a basket woven
by his own hands. The little poems which accompanied them are not included in
the works published by Fortunatus himself; it is probable that many of them are
lost, no great importance being attached to them. Circumstances provided him
with the graver subjects which necessitated the production of more serious works.
About 568 Radegunde received from Emperor Justin a particle of the True Cross,
to which the monastery had been dedicated, and Fortunatus was commissioned to
thank the emperor and empress for their gift. This religious event led him to
write a series of poems (II, 1-6); two, the Vexilla Regis Prodeunt
and the
Pange Lingua
(II, 6, 2), have been adopted by the Church. The vigorous
movement of these poems shows that Fortunatus was not lacking in strength and
seriousness. Two of this series are figurate
poems, i.e. the letters of each
verse, being arranged with due regularity, form artistic designs. It was one of
the least happy inventions of this period of literary decadence.
Radegunde was in constant communication with Constantinople, for Amalafried,
a cousin whom she dearly loved, had found refuge in the East where he was in the
service of the Empire. Through Fortunatus Radegunde bewailed the sad lot of her
country and her family; this long elegy, full of life and movement, and
addressed to Amalafried, is one of the poets best and most celebrated works
(Appendix, I). Another elegy deplores the premature death of Amalafried
(Appendix, 3). The death of Galeswintha was also the occasion of one of those
elegies in which Fortunatus shows himself at once so profound and so natural.
This princess, the sister of Brunehild, was married to Chilperic, and had just
been put to death by the order of her husband (569 or 570). Shortly before this
Fortunatus had seen her arrive from Spain and pass through Poitiers in a silver
chariot, and it was on this occasion she had won the heart of Radegunde. In
recalling these things and in his portrayal of the mother of the unhappy young
woman and their heart-breaking farewell, he succeeded, despite many rhetorical
artifices, in depicting true grief. Other poems written at Poitiers deal with
religious subjects. Fortunatus explained to his sister
Agnes that his love was
wholly fraternal (XI, 6), and devoted 400 lines to the praise of virginity (VIII,
3). While abounding in Christian sentiments he develops in a singularly
realistic style the inconveniences of marriage, especially the physiological
sufferings it imposes upon woman. It is probably an academic theme. Fortunatus
also took part in ecclesiastical life, assisting at synods, being invited to the
consecration of churches, all of which occasions were made the pretext for
verses. He was especially associated with Gregory of Tours, who influenced him
to make and publish a collection of his verses, with Leontius of Bordeaux, who
sent him many invitations, and with Felix of Nantes, whom he praised, especially
for the rectifying of a watercourse (III, 10). Fortunatus was now a celebrated
man and a much-sought-for guest. Rendered more free by the death of his friends,
he visited the Court of Austrasia, where he was received with greater evidence
of regard than on a former occasion when he had arrived from Italy poor and
unknown. To this period belongs his account of a journey on the Moselle which is
full of graceful details (X, 10). He celebrates the completion of the basilica
of Tours in 590 (X, 6), and in 591 the consecration of Plato, the new Bishop of
Poitiers, an archdeacon of Gregory (X, 14). His predecessor Maroveus, whose
barbarous name indicates that he was a person lacking in culture, had been
entirely neglected by the Roman Fortunatus and his refined friends. This date is
the last known to us, but some time before the end of the sixth century he
succeeded to the See of Poitiers. In the episcopal list of that city he follows
Plato and may have become bishop about 600. He was already dead when, shortly
after this time, Baudonivia, a nun of the monastery of the Holy Cross, added a
second book to Venantius' life of Radegunde.
The poems of Fortunatus comprise eleven book. The researches of Wilhelm Meyer
have established the fact that Fortunatus himself published successively Books
I-VIII, about 576; Book IX in 584 0r 585; Book X after 591. Book XI seems to be
a posthumous collection. A Paris manuscript has happily preserved some poems not
found in the eleven-book manuscripts. These poems form an appendix in Leo's
edition. Apart from these occasional poems Fortunatus wrote between 573 and 577
a poem in four books on St. Martin. He follows exactly the account of Sulpicius
Severus, but has abridged it to such an extent as to render his won work obscure
unless with the aid of Sulpicius Severus. He wrote in rhythmic prose the lives
of several saints, St. Albin, Bishop of Angers, St. Hilary and Pascentius,
Bishops of Poitiers, St. Marcellus of Paris, St. Germanus of Paris (d. 576), his
friend Radegunde, St. Paternus, Bishop of Avranches, and St. Medardus. The
poetical merit of Fortunatus should not be overestimated. Like most poets of
this period of extreme decadence, he delights in description, but is incapable
of sustaining it; if the piece is lengthy his style runs into mannerisms. His
vocabulary is varied but affected, and while his language is sufficiently exact,
it is marred by a deliberate obscurity. These defects would render him
intolerable had he not written in verse; poetic tradition, Boissier well says,
imposed a certain sobriety. The prose prefaces which Fortunatus adds to each of
his works exhibit a command of bombastic Latin scarcely inferior to the
Hisperica famina
. His versification is monotonous, and faults of prosody are
not rare. By his predilection for the distich he furnished the model for most
Carlovingian poetry. Fortunatus, like a true Roman, expresses with delicate
sincerity the sentiments of intimacy and tenderness, especially when mournful
and anxious. He interprets with success the emotions aroused by the tragic
occurrences of surrounding barbarian life, particularly in the hearts of women,
too often in those times the victims of brutal passions. In this way, and by his
allusions to contemporary events and persons, and his descriptions of churches
and works of art, he is the painter of Merovingian society. His entire work is
an historical document. Fortunatus has been praised for abstaining from the use
of mythological allegory, despite the fact that his epithalamium for Sigebert is
a dialogue between Venus and Love. Occasionally on encounters in his works the
traditional academic themes, but in general he refrains from these literary
ornaments less through disdain than through necessity. Every writer of
occasional verse is perforce a realist, e.g. Statius in the Silvæ
, Martial in
his epigrams. In his portrayal of the barbarian society of Gaul Fortunatus
exhibits the manner in which contemporary Christian thought and life permeated
its gross and uncultured environment. Leaving aside the bishops, all of them
Gallo-Romans, it is the women of the period, owing to native intuition and
mental refinement, who are most sensitive to this Christian culture. They are
the first to appreciate delicacy of sentiment and charm of language, even
refined novelties of cookery, that art of advanced civilizations and peoples on
whose hands time hangs heavily. From this point of view it may be said that the
friendship of Fortunatus with Radegunde and Agnes mirrors with great exactness
the life of sixth-century Gaul.
The best edition of Fortunatus is that of F. Leo and B. Krusch; the former
edited the poems, the latter the prose writings in Mon. Germ. Hist.: Acut.
(Berlin, 1881-85), IV.
Hamelin, De vitâ et operibus V. Fortunati (Rennes, 1873); Meyer, Der Gelegenheitdichter V. Fortunatus (Berlin, 1901); Leo, Venantius Fortunatus in Deutsche Rundschau (1882);, XXXII, 414-26; Bardenhewer, Patrology, tr. Shahan (Freiburg im B., St. Louis, 1908), 647-50.
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